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发表于 2014-6-3 19:15:46 | 显示全部楼层

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Wayfarers were michael kors sale designed throughout 1952 by optical designer oakley jawbone Raymond Stegeman, whom procured dozens of patents for Bausch and Lomb, Ray Ban's parent firm. The design was a radically new appearance, "a mid century classic to rival Eames chairs in addition to Cadillac tail fins." According to design critic Stephen Bayley, the "distinctive trapezoidal frame spoke gafas sol oakley a non verbal language that hinted at unstable dangerousness, but just one nicely tempered by the sturdy arms which, based on the advertising, gave the frames some sort of 'masculine look.'" Wayfarers, which took advantage of innovative plastic molding technology, marked the transition between the period of eyewear gafas oakley baratas with narrow metal frames and an period of plastic eyewear. Ray ban Wayfarers were perhaps made most ray ban aviator famous by infamous lyrical and also musical genius Bob Dylan.
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Alessandra Senici, Group Entrepreneur Relations Director of Luxottica. Please go in front, madam.Thank you, operator. Good afternoon as well as thank you for joining us right now. Made iconic by gafas oakley this sort of cultural icons as This American Life's Ira Glass and that obnoxious "Can You Hear Me At this point?" Verizon guy, these frames will be both fun and flattering along with veryeasy to obtain. They're also more versatile and can be worn with a lot of different styles. The one downside to Wayfarer style nerd glasses is their ubiquity.
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发表于 2014-6-7 14:45:26 | 显示全部楼层

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All the exhibitors I visited through the 2012 ICAST, offer new and existing products that provide UV defense and have passed ASTM sunglass lens impact oakley jupiter examining. Military and state plus gafas de sol ray ban local police forces. Peppers, Body Glove, Bill Dance along with Bluewater offer sunglasses that would float.
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