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发表于 2014-6-17 21:48:46 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2014-6-18 03:12:33 | 显示全部楼层

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3 noon, Shanghai Zhang Quanming couples with the elderly, children and relatives are a family of 7 drove 3 hours come to Wu Bin's home. Zhang Quanming on the three minute, and tearful kneeling on the ground to hero Ke 3. "Only to come here, to express my heartfelt admiration. Wu Bin, let me see, society and so on An important juncture of life and death but the hearts filled with others hero. I want to let children know that spirit."
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发表于 2014-6-19 13:15:49 | 显示全部楼层

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On global and regional affairs, Li noted that both China and Britain are firm guards of world peace and regional stability, calling on the two countries to strengthen communication and cooperation in international and regional affairs.
Cameron said China and Britain are indispensable partners in dealing with international issues.
Britain pursues a policy of open and free trade and investment, and is ready to promote the negotiations on the Europe-China investment agreement, and the construction of the Europe-China free trade zone.
Li and Cameron witnessed the signing of a series of bilateral cooperation documents after their meeting.
The Chinese premier arrived here on Monday for an official visit. Britain is the first leg of his two-nation trip to Europe, which will also take him to Greece.
发表于 2014-6-19 17:56:48 | 显示全部楼层

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